
Hi, I'm  Alan W. Moore

Alan W. Moore has written on artists’ groups, cultural geography and economy, and social movements. He worked with the artists’ groups Colab and helped start the cultural center ABC No Rio in New York City, and he remains addicted to collaboration. He took a PhD in Art History at CUNY in 2000. He wrote “Art Gangs: Protest and Counterculture in New York City” (Autonomedia, 2011), and chapters for Julie Ault, “Alternative Art NY”; Blake Stimson & Gregory Sholette, “Collectivism after Modernism”; and Clayton Patterson, “Resistance: A Political History of the Lower East Side”. He published the “House Magic” information project on self-organized occupied social centers 2009-16. He wrote “Occupation Culture: Art & Squatting in the City from Below” (Minor Compositions/Autonomedia, 2015) and co-edited “Making Room : Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces” (JoAAP/Other Forms, 2015). He blogs at “Art Gangs” and “Occupations & Properties” on blogspot.com. He lives in Madrid.

 The link to academia.edu will lead you to a number of past texts I have written and published: