In the summer of 2023 the art collection of my parents, Burton & Joan Moore was exhibited again at the MIAD school in Milwaukee. The “Friends, Neighbors & Distant Comrades” exhibition included many works from the ABC No Rio cultural center and the Colab artists group, as well as artists of the East Village art movement. A second catalogue was produced; some essays from the first catalogue are posted here.
My memoir “Art Worker” was published in Leipzig in May of 2022. It won a German design award in that year. The first run is nearly sold out. (See “Memoir” section for order info.) Behind that project is a large accumulation of papers, books and ephemera collected over 40 years related to art and politics. Some descriptions of those holdings are in this section of the website.
This section concerns my collaborative projects, mostly archival, and past exhibitions. It also links to my work on squatting, zines, blogs and publications, and a list of friends and collaborators.
This website is a portal onto my projects and concerns. It represents the collections I hold, and the postings, publications and researches I undertake. These revolve around NYC art and social history of the late 20th century, and the study of self-organized occupied spaces.